Introduction Into Leather Working

Make and fix your own gear to build your skills.

Part of horsemanship culture is knowing how to make and repair your own tack. In our modern day and age, this is one aspect of the mosaic of traditional knowledge that relatively few people seem to know much about. Most often, people just buy things at the store when they need them and throw them away when things break. Perhaps, this is just because people don’t have the time or tools to do the work. I think we all understand that. However, there is some value in knowing how to do your own leatherwork.

In this section of the site, I will include information, photos, and videos showing some aspects of leather tack repair and crafting. Like many things, leather working can be whatever you make it. You can either turn your creations into works of art, or you can simply create your own functional gear. It’s up to you.

In the past, horsemen were competent leatherworkers out of necessity. These days, most people aren’t driven by that same necessity. That being said, adding leatherworking to your skill and knowledge set can be very beneficial. Once you have the tools, this knowledge allows you to fix your own tack or use your creativity to create the things you want to use. It is the sort of enterprise that will open up a world of opportunity, make you more self-reliant, and make you a more well-rounded horseman. I can’t say that any of that sounds bad.

Thanks for taking a look. I hope you enjoy the content and that it helps you become a more self-reliant and independent horseman.


Make Your Own Leather Belt