Roxy - SOLD
“Roxy” is a really nice 2 year old AQHA blue roan filly. We bought her as a yearling, halter broke her, and are now offering her for sale as a started colt. Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. She is a beautiful blue roan color with a fancy head to match. Also, if you’re the type that likes a thick mane and tail, you’ll love this girl’s thick black mane and tail. When this girl fills out, she’ll stop traffic.
As good as she looks, she has also been a really nice filly to start under saddle. If you watch the video below, you can see that she is getting soft in the face and is gaining confidence. She has not bucked. After 20 sessions, I’d say the thing I most enjoy about riding her is her trot. For a 2 year old, she really has about the smoothest trot you can ask for. I can only guess she’ll get smoother as she develops more muscle and balance with the rider. At this point, she understands how to walk, trot, turn left and right, move hindquarters, move shoulders, stop, backup, and flex laterally and vertically. I’ve also loped her, but I don’t lope any of my young horses very much. She’s done good when I’ve pushed her into it, but just doesn’t have that much experience.
Roxy is still gaining confidence on the ground. She is easy to catch, stands tied, trailer loads, and picks up her feet, but she can be a little watchy. Also, she’s had her feet trimmed several times, and has done good, but she will fight you sometimes. Nothing bad, has never kicked, but just something to keep working on.
Like every colt, Roxy still has a lot to learn. However, if you want to take the time to develop one you will like for years to come, she is a good candidate for that. As far as her future prospects, I personally think she could do well at a number of performance events, become a good ranch horse, or a good trail horse. I don’t know how she’ll work a cow, but with her breeding, I’d have to say the chances are good that she’ll take to it. I doubt she’ll ever be a big horse, so if you need to do lots of roping on big steers, she probably won’t be a good fit. However, if you need one that is responsive and an easy mover, I think she’ll be a good prospect.
Contact us for more information about this really fancy young filly.
“Roxy” is a really nice 2 year old AQHA blue roan filly. We bought her as a yearling, halter broke her, and are now offering her for sale as a started colt. Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. She is a beautiful blue roan color with a fancy head to match. Also, if you’re the type that likes a thick mane and tail, you’ll love this girl’s thick black mane and tail. When this girl fills out, she’ll stop traffic.
As good as she looks, she has also been a really nice filly to start under saddle. If you watch the video below, you can see that she is getting soft in the face and is gaining confidence. She has not bucked. After 20 sessions, I’d say the thing I most enjoy about riding her is her trot. For a 2 year old, she really has about the smoothest trot you can ask for. I can only guess she’ll get smoother as she develops more muscle and balance with the rider. At this point, she understands how to walk, trot, turn left and right, move hindquarters, move shoulders, stop, backup, and flex laterally and vertically. I’ve also loped her, but I don’t lope any of my young horses very much. She’s done good when I’ve pushed her into it, but just doesn’t have that much experience.
Roxy is still gaining confidence on the ground. She is easy to catch, stands tied, trailer loads, and picks up her feet, but she can be a little watchy. Also, she’s had her feet trimmed several times, and has done good, but she will fight you sometimes. Nothing bad, has never kicked, but just something to keep working on.
Like every colt, Roxy still has a lot to learn. However, if you want to take the time to develop one you will like for years to come, she is a good candidate for that. As far as her future prospects, I personally think she could do well at a number of performance events, become a good ranch horse, or a good trail horse. I don’t know how she’ll work a cow, but with her breeding, I’d have to say the chances are good that she’ll take to it. I doubt she’ll ever be a big horse, so if you need to do lots of roping on big steers, she probably won’t be a good fit. However, if you need one that is responsive and an easy mover, I think she’ll be a good prospect.
Contact us for more information about this really fancy young filly.
“Roxy” is a really nice 2 year old AQHA blue roan filly. We bought her as a yearling, halter broke her, and are now offering her for sale as a started colt. Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. She is a beautiful blue roan color with a fancy head to match. Also, if you’re the type that likes a thick mane and tail, you’ll love this girl’s thick black mane and tail. When this girl fills out, she’ll stop traffic.
As good as she looks, she has also been a really nice filly to start under saddle. If you watch the video below, you can see that she is getting soft in the face and is gaining confidence. She has not bucked. After 20 sessions, I’d say the thing I most enjoy about riding her is her trot. For a 2 year old, she really has about the smoothest trot you can ask for. I can only guess she’ll get smoother as she develops more muscle and balance with the rider. At this point, she understands how to walk, trot, turn left and right, move hindquarters, move shoulders, stop, backup, and flex laterally and vertically. I’ve also loped her, but I don’t lope any of my young horses very much. She’s done good when I’ve pushed her into it, but just doesn’t have that much experience.
Roxy is still gaining confidence on the ground. She is easy to catch, stands tied, trailer loads, and picks up her feet, but she can be a little watchy. Also, she’s had her feet trimmed several times, and has done good, but she will fight you sometimes. Nothing bad, has never kicked, but just something to keep working on.
Like every colt, Roxy still has a lot to learn. However, if you want to take the time to develop one you will like for years to come, she is a good candidate for that. As far as her future prospects, I personally think she could do well at a number of performance events, become a good ranch horse, or a good trail horse. I don’t know how she’ll work a cow, but with her breeding, I’d have to say the chances are good that she’ll take to it. I doubt she’ll ever be a big horse, so if you need to do lots of roping on big steers, she probably won’t be a good fit. However, if you need one that is responsive and an easy mover, I think she’ll be a good prospect.
Contact us for more information about this really fancy young filly.